AMICAL members with an AMICAL account can find sign-up/access links in Today’s overview and in the full Schedule. All conference registrants, including non-members, can find those links in the daily Conference email.
AMICAL 2021 will take place 21–24 June, marking the consortium’s 18th annual meeting and conference, and the first to be held entirely online.
The conference is open to all interested staff and faculty from AMICAL member institutions, as well as selected individuals invited by the organizers. The conference will be of especial interest to librarians, faculty development coordinators, disciplinary faculty, instructional technologists and designers, IT directors, and academic leadership.
Registration is now open and a detailed schedule is available.
Invited speakers & workshop facilitators
Six invited guests will inspire and guide us as we address issues of timely importance:

Leslie Chan
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Centre for Critical Development Studies and Director of Knowledge Equity Lab • University of Toronto Scarborough
Open praxis as social vaccine for knowledge equity + Closing remarks

Regina Gong
Open Educational Resources (OER) and Student Success Librarian • Michigan State University
From vision to action: Fostering engagement and collaboration in building an OER program

Renee Hobbs
Professor of Communication Studies at the Harrington School of Communication and Media • University of Rhode Island
Create to learn: Advancing collaboration and creativity with digital texts, tools and technologies

Mays Imad
Professor of Pathophysiology and Bioethics; Coordinator of the Teaching and Learning Center • Pima Community College

Anna Jackson & Fisher Qua
Consultants • Lucky Hunch