16 May 2014
Library – Upper Level
This panel highlights the collaborative distance courses between faculty at ACG and their counterparts in the United States. Presentations from both faculty and technologists will demonstrate how this type of collaborative work can serve as a means of extending resources, of making new use of physical, online and cognitive spaces and of challenging the ways in which faculty, students and technologists work. The both presentation and discussion, the panel aims to point out both the benefits of this type of collaborative course as well as the difficulties of putting interwoven collaborative distance courses into place.
Presentations will include overviews of courses done through the Global Liberal Arts Alliance of which DEREE is a member and of a team-taught course with Duke University. They will emphasize infrastructure, how the faculty collaborated and how student collaboration was elicited and assessed. US counterparts will be present virtually in some instances. Discussion is expected.
Sheila Dillon
Dimitrios Doulos
Quentin Duroy
Petros Korovesis
Executive Director Of Information Resources Management,
American College of Greece
Christina Marouli
American College of Greece
Elizabeth Langridge-Noti
Formerly Professor, Department of History, Philosophy and the Ancient World,
American College of Greece
Elizabeth Langridge-Noti
Formerly Professor, Department of History, Philosophy and the Ancient World,
American College of Greece
Sheila Dillon
Dimitrios Doulos
Quentin Duroy
Petros Korovesis
Christina Marouli
Elizabeth Langridge-Noti
Elizabeth Langridge-NotiFormerly Professor, Department of History, Philosophy and the Ancient World, American College of Greece