28 May 2015
BAC: Room 101
In this workshop, participants will acquire the essential skills needed to build interactive content using “Articulate Storyline 2”, an E-learning content authoring software.
Considering how people learn, we sense a compelling need to convert static content into an interactive one. In this workshop, we will introduce to you “Articulate Storyline”, an E-learning tool designed to help you build interactive content. You will get a hands-on experience converting a presentation into an interactive one by designing a Storyline project, creating a presentation, adding audio/video, adding hotspots, and publishing your project. You will also learn how to create interactive knowledge checks by using the Storyline quiz feature.
Topics covered:
- Why and when to use Storyline?
- Starting a new project
- Importing existing PowerPoint slides
- Inserting new scenes and slides
- Adding images, video and audio
- Recording narration
- Creating knowledge checks
- Publishing the project for web or mobile distribution
- Integrating the project with the Learning Management System
This workshop targets faculty members and Librarians who are planning to convert static guides and tutorials into interactive ones.
Rayane Fayed
Digital Learning Manager,
American University of Beirut
Hossein Hamam
Instructional Designer,
American University of Beirut
Jayme Spencer
Formerly Director, Public Services,
American University in Cairo
Rayane Fayed
Hossein Hamam
Jayme SpencerFormerly Director, Public Services, American University in Cairo