This was the fifth time I had attended the AMICAL Conference in the last seven years and it was every bit as enjoyable as all the others. I had always hoped to visit the American University in Bulgaria and was glad I had the chance to see the library and campus—a lovely setting for a meeting. Sofiya Katsarska and her wonderful library staff were such kind and generous hosts and I felt so welcome. And, of course, being with all of my AMICAL friends, old and new, was a joy.
The sessions at this meeting gave me a much better understanding of information literacy in general and how it is implemented in particular places. As usual, part of what I learned came from formal presentations and part from informal conversations. Lori Townsend’s presentation focused me on threshold concepts in a way that I thought was really clear and well illustrated. (Didn’t you love the cat pictures?!) After-conversations were animated and illuminating. It is wonderful to have the chance to stand around afterwards with AMICAL colleagues and have epistemological conversations about the content of the program. In Sofia, I had a chance to talk to Anne-Marie Deitering about her work on curiosity, which is such an important part of the learning process but does not receive anything like the attention it deserves.
The presentations and posters were also terrific. And I love the “un-conference” concept. I hope people participate more and more as they get used to that new format.
Others who made the trip out to Rila Monastery were probably just as thrilled as I was to enter the library and see the books. This was a rare and deeply appreciated opportunity. Ivana, Jorge and I washed our faces in the water at the monastery, hoping to enhance our health and beauty. We’ll see how well it worked when we meet again!